# Awesome Technical Writing
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*This list is inspired by the [awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) and [awesome-jamstack](https://github.com/bolajiayodeji/awesome-jamstack) lists.*
[!TIP] Technical writing is the writing of technical content used in technical and occupational fields, such as computer hardware and software, engineering, chemistry, aeronautics, robotics, finance, medical, biotechnology, etc. ~ Wikipedia
Table of Contents
- Community
- Courses
- Books
- Style Guides
- Useful Tools
- Resources
- Videos
- Podcasts
- Conferences
- Speaker Decks
- Technical Writers to Follow
- Hashnode
- r/technicalwriting
- Google’s Season of Docs
- freeCodeCamp News
- ycombinator News
- Hackernoon
- Write the Docs
- The Good Docs Project
- LinkedIn Technical Writing Community
- Society for Technical Communication
- The Manuscript Academy
- Google Technical Writing Courses
- Tech Writing for Accessibility
- Writing Helpful Error Messages
- Technical Writing: Documentation on Software Projects
- Coding for Writers: Basic Programming
- Class Central Technical Writing
- Professional Technical Writing: Advance Your Writing Skills
- Technical Writing: Master Your Writing Career
- English 305: Advanced Technical Writing
- Technical Communication Techniques and Principles for Project Managers
- Documenting APIs: A Guide for Technical Writers
- Technical Writing Certification Course
- Tech: Write & Earn
- Docs for Developers: An Engineer’s Field Guide to Technical Writing by Jared Bhatti, Zach Corleissen, Jen Lambourne, David Nuñez, and Heidi Waterhouse.
- The Developer’s Guide to Content Creation by Stephanie Morillo.
- The Developer’s Guide to Creating a Successful Blog by Flavio Copes.
- Everybody Writes: Your New and Improved Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content by Ann Handley.
- Technical Writing for Dummies by Sheryl Lindsell-Roberts.
- The Handbook of Technical Writing by Gerald J. Alre, Walter E. Oliu, and Charles T. Brusaw.
- How To Write Usable User Documentation by Edmond H. Weiss.
- Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works by Janice Redish.
- Docs Like Code: Collaborate and Automate to Improve Technical Documentation by Anne Gentle.
- The Product is Docs: Writing Technical Documentation in a Product Development Group by Christopher Gales and Splunk Documentation Team.
- Every Page Is Page One: Topic-Based Writing for Technical Communication and the Web by Mark Baker.
- Modern Technical Writing: An Introduction to Software by Andrew Etter.
- Software Technical Writing: A Guidebook by James Gallagher.
Style Guides
- Microsoft Manual of Style
- IBM Editorial Style Guide
- The Red Hat Style Guide
- Google Developer Documentation Style Guide
- Chicago Manual of Style
- University of Oxford Style Guide
Useful Tools
- Technical Writing Template - A sample template with guidelines for writing technical articles.
- Paid Community Writer Programs - A list of companies that have paid developer community writer programs.
- Who Pays Technical Writers? - A curated collection of active publishers, publications, and agencies that pay fair rates for high-quality technical content.
- Diátaxis Documentation System - A systematic approach to creating better documentation.
- HackMD - Real-time collaborate on technical documentation in markdown.
- Dropbox Paper - A flexible workspace for collaborative document-editing.
- Google Docs - Smart editing and styling tools to help you easily format text and paragraphs.
- Notion - The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis and databases.
- Notion AI - Leverage the limitless power of AI in any Notion page, write faster and augment your creativity.
- Grammarly - a writing assistant that goes deeper than grammar to offer you comprehensive writing feedback.
- Canva - A graphic design platform that allows you to create social media graphics, and other visual content.
- TinyPNG - Smart PNG and JPEG image compression.
- Full Page Screen Capture - The simplest way to take a full page screenshot of your current browser window.
- Awesome Screenshot: Screen Video Recorder - Screen Capture full page screenshot and recorder for screencast.
- Readme Markdown Generator - CLI that generates beautiful README.md files.
- Capture to a Gif - Record content of pages to an animated gif picture from browser.
- Microsoft Word - Spelling, grammar, and intelligent suggestions to assist you across documents, email, and on the web.
- Log4brains - Docs-as-code knowledge base to manage Architecture Decision Records (ADR) for your project and publish them automatically as a static website.
- Antidote - The corrector analyzes your text and flags any detections.
- LanguageTool - Open-source writing assistant, an alternative to Grammarly.
- HemingwayApp - Hemingway App makes your writing bold and clear. Helps fix long & complex sentences.
- ChatGPT - A conversational chatbot that can generate human-like responses to natural language prompts.
- TextCraft - Add-in for Microsoft Word that seamlessly integrates essential AI tools, including text generation, proofreading, and more, directly into the user interface.
- The Ultimate Guide to Content Creation
- How to Create Great Content: A Step-by-Step Guide to Content Marketing That Delivers Real Results
- 9 Tips to Become the Best Content Creator in Your Industry
- Advice for Technical Writing
- Becoming a Technical Writer at Google
- 15 Tips to Improve Your Technical Writing
- How to Become a Technical Writer: A Beginner’s Guide
- How to Create Cover Images for Your Devblog Posts
- Introducing Google Season of Docs
- How to Start a Software YouTube Channel
- Starting a YouTube Channel as a Software Developer
- How to Create a Programming YouTube Channel - Lessons From 5 Years and 1 Million Subscribers
- Developers: The Why and How to Writing Technical Articles
- How to Improve the SEO of Your Devblog Articles
- How to Improve the SEO of Your Devblog
- Technical Writing: Why and How?
- Minimalist Approach to Technical Documentation
- A beginner’s guide to writing documentation
- Crash Course in APIs for Technical Writers
- Technical Writing: What and How?
- Write For Us: A List of Companies Who Pay Freelancers for Writing Tutorials
- Technical Writing Books: A Curated Collection of Books to Help You Be a Better Technical Writer
- Everything Technical Writing: Tips and Techniques that’ll Help You Thrive as a Technical Writer in the Software Industry
- GitLab Technical Writing Fundamentals
- AutoHotkey scripts for writing technical documentation
- Content Creation Strategies: How To Create Content Online
- How to start a Coding YouTube channel (with tips from a bunch of successful creators!)
- How To Start A Programming YouTube Channel With Coding Tutorials 360
- 15 Technical Writing Tips
[What is Technical Writing? Writing Genre Fundamentals](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SB4tfD0hxM) - Meet Technical Writers at Google
- Technical Writing 101: Introduction to Technical Writing
- What do Technical Writers do? (Also, what is Technical Writing?)
[How to become a Technical Writer Skills & Career Growth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l2KJXIBpB0) - Writing technical documentation
- Write The Docs Podcast & Meetups
- Write the Readable README
- GitHub as a Landing Page
- Lessons Learned From Rebuilding a Developer Documentation Website
- A Balanced Diet of Documentation
- Write your Docs like Nobody Reads Them
- The Developer’s Guide to Technical Writing
- How to write technical blog posts
- Technical Writing Portfolio
- How to Document APIs Using Postman
- The Manuscript Podcast - The intersection of writing and the development of technology products.
- The Manuscript Academy Podcast - Interviews with agents and editors, how-to tips, and behind-the-scenes looks at the creation of the Academy.
- Write the Docs Podcast - The Write the Docs Podcast publishes discussion-style podcasts focusing on topics related to the Write the Docs community.
- The Not-Boring Tech Writer - The Not-Boring Tech Writer podcast introduces technical writers skills used in the open data movement.
- Write the Docs Conferences
- The LavaCon Content Strategy Conference
- API the Docs
- Technical Communication UK Metro Conference
- MadWorld
- WritersUA West Content Pro Conference
Speaker Decks
- Effective Documentation: The Key to Open Source Growth
- Technical Writing for Non-Writers
- Beyond The Editor: Automating Your Writing Process
## Some Technical Writers to follow
| Name | Link to Blog | Blog Niche | Link to Twitter | |-------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Bolaji Ayodeji | https://blog.bolajiayodeji.com | Web/Data Engineering, JavaScript, Python, Machine Learning, and Ecommerce. | [@iambolajiayo](https://twitter.com/iambolajiayo) | | Angie Jones | https://angiejones.tech | Test Automation, and Java. | [@techgirl1908](https://twitter.com/techgirl1908) | | Sarah Drasner | https://sarah.dev/writing | Web Development, Vuejs, and SVGs. | [@sarah_edo](https://twitter.com/sarah_edo) | | Prosper Otemuyiwa | https://medium.com/@unicodeveloper | All things Technical and Magical. | [@unicodeveloper](https://twitter.com/unicodeveloper) | | Ire Aderinokun | https://bitsofco.de | Frontend Development and JavaScript. | [@ireaderinokun](https://twitter.com/ireaderinokun) | | Tom Johnson | https://idratherbewriting.com | Technical Writing and API lessons. | [@tomjohnson](https://twitter.com/tomjohnson) | | Anne Gentle | https://justwriteclick.com | Doc as Code. | [@annegentle](https://twitter.com/annegentle) | | Kayce Basques | https://kayce.basqu.es/blog | Dev tools and Documentation. | [@kaycebasques](https://twitter.com/kaycebasques) | | Tania Rascia | https://taniarascia.com | Modern JavaScript, Node.js, and development. | [@taniarascia](https://twitter.com/taniarascia) | | SWYX | https://swyx.io/writing | Web Development, React and Tech. | [@swyx](https://twitter.com/swyx) | | Sean C Davis | https://cobwwweb.com/ | Web Development and Jamstack. | [@seancdavis29](https://twitter.com/seancdavis29) | | Alvaro Montoro | https://dev.to/alvaromontoro | CSS and HTML. | [@alvaro_montoro](https://twitter.com/alvaro_montoro) | | Linda Ikechukwu | https://everythingtechnicalwriting.com | Technical Writing and Developer Documentation. | [@_mslinda](https://twitter.com/_MsLinda)| | Amruta Ranade | https://www.youtube.com/c/AmrutaRanade | Technical Writing and Developer Documentation. | [@AmrutaRanade](https://twitter.com/AmrutaRanade) |[!TIP] Check out my blog, newsletter, or say hi on X (Twitter).
Contributing ✨
Found an awesome resource, article, book, tool, video, technical writer, speaker deck etc.? Please send in a pull request and follow the contributors guidelines. Thank you!
Awesome Technical Writing © 2019 by Bolaji Ayodeji is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.